Team Speed Fitness - Disclaimer

The information found on, or within any of the information products produced by Team Speed Fitness LLC is not intended as a substitute for medical, nutrition, or exercise advice for you personally. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem, disease, food allergy or any medical condition. Participation in a exercise/sport/nutrition program may pose a risk of permanent injury or even death. Therefore, please seek advice directly from your physician before beginning any exercise or nutritional program. Furthermore, please see your physician about any specific existing medical problems you may have before beginning any exercise or nutritional program.

We are not legally responsible for any damages or injuries that happen to you or that you suffer resulting directly or indirectly from your use of our website, information products, or any links provided. As a convenience to our website visitors, links are provided on our website to take you to other related sites offering health, nutrition, and fitness related information. Having these links on our Web site does not imply that Team Speed Fitness LLC approves these other linked sites or that we agree with positions or statements these linked sites offer, or the health, nutrition, or fitness advice they may give.

Although we try very hard to make sure that all the information provided by Team Speed Fitness LLC is complete, and up to date, we can't legally guarantee that, and we can not be legally responsible if the information provided is not 100% accurate.